The Protection of Dental Sealants

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If you would like extra protection from cavities ask our dentists about dental sealants. Sealants are a thin material that is painted over the chewing surfaces of the back teeth.  If you look closely at the surface of those molars you’ll see what we call “pits and fissures”or hollows and grooves, that can deepen and fill with bacteria.  Applying sealants adds a protective shield over your molars before there’s any damage to the tooth surface. Dental sealants are a great choice for children and teens as soon as the molars are erupted. Additionally, adults without decay or fillings in the back teeth would also benefit from sealants.

To place dental sealants, your dentist or hygienist first thoroughly cleans the teeth that will receive sealants. Each tooth is dried and an absorbent material is placed around the teeth to keep the area dry. An etching solution may be used on the chewing surfaces of the teeth to allow the sealant to bond to the teeth. The teeth are then rinsed and dried again before the sealant is applied to the tooth enamel. A curing light may be used to help the sealant harden.  No local anesthesia is needed for sealant placement since the process is completely comfortable.

You may have heard in the news that some dental sealant materials contain bisphenol A, and the health risks associated with BPA exposure. We have done the research and ensure that all the dental sealant materials at New Hampshire Center for Comprehensive Dentistry are completely free of BPA.

Dental sealants have a lifespan of 2 to up to 10 years, but they should be checked for wearing and chipping during your regular dental exam appointments. It’s easier, less invasive and less costly to keep sealants in place rather than having a cavity start in an unprotected molar. Protect your teeth, or the teeth of your child.  Please contact us to schedule a consultation to discover if sealants in Amherst, New Hampshire, are right for you.