Signs and Risk Factors of Gum Disease

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Gum disease is an infection that attacks the gums and bone structures that support and surround the teeth. If left untreated, this disease can cause the loss of healthy jawbone structure and even tooth loss.


Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease is more easily reversed and treated if it is caught in its early stages. Be sure to schedule an appointment with our dentists if you notice any of the symptoms below:

– Swollen, tender, or red gums

– Gums that bleed easily, particularly when you brush and floss

– Teeth that look longer because of gum recession

– Periodontal pockets between the teeth and the gums

– Changes to your bite

– Pus coming from the gums

– Persistent bad breath or bad taste in the mouth

– Loose teeth


Risk Factors of Gum Disease

There are certain factors that can increase an individual’s risk for developing gum disease, including:

– Smoking. Smoking can also lower the chances of success with some periodontal treatments.

– Hormonal changes in girls and women can make the gums more sensitive and therefore put them more at risk of infection.

– Stress can make fighting infection, like gum disease, more difficult for our bodies.

– Diabetes makes an individual more susceptible for developing infection.

– Some medications can cause dry mouth, thus affecting oral health.

– Some diseases and their treatments can affect the health of the gums.

– A family history of gum disease can make an individual more susceptible to the disease.

However, even if you have one or more of these risk factors, you can prevent gum disease by taking good care of your smile.

We invite you to contact New Hampshire Center for Comprehensive Dentistry at 603-672-6546 today to learn more and to schedule a visit with our dentists in Amherst, New Hampshire.