Welcome to Our New NHCCD Blog!

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Here it is: the first post on the “new” New Hampshire Center for Comprehensive Dentistry blog! We’re excited to be offering this blog to our patients, potential patients and interested others as an additional line of communication and a forum for discussion of topics of interest – mostly about dentistry and everything else that’s connected, of course.

There will be much to talk about – our group practice includes two excellent general dentists, Dr. Vicktor Senat and Dr. Bhavisha Patel, who provide gentle and skillful dental care, including fillings, crowns, extractions and dentures as well as Invisalign orthodontic treatment, implant-supported restorations: crowns, bridges and dentures. Our dental specialists are all board-certified in their area of expertise: Dr. Valerie Martins is our Periodontist and Implant specialist; Dr. Mariya Shnaydman and Dr. Tevyah Dines, both Endodontists, receive rave reviews for performing essentially “pain-free” root canal treatments. It’s our team approach and philosophy of care that sets us apart and makes so much of the difference – a true synergy of talent and caring.

Much of what you’ll be reading will be from me as the main blogger but you’ll be hearing from our dentists, hygienists and other professional team members as well. We’re all excited to share our passion about our practice, dentistry, your health and patient care. We can’t wait to share!

We welcome your suggestions and feedback. Feel free to leave comments here (they will be moderated), email me at julier at NHCCD dot com, or call 603-672-6546 during business hours.

Thanks for being here and I hope you enjoy (and enter) the conversation!

Yours in health,

Juliana Rowland, RN, BSN
Practice Administrator