Five Ways to Search for a New Dentist in New Hampshire

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If you have recently moved to the greater Nashua, NH area and are looking for a new dentist in New Hampshire, or perhaps you’ve been away from dental care for some time and want to find the right dentist for you and your family, the search may seem like a challenge that you keep putting off. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, approach it systematically. There is a lot of help available for you. Here are five good ways to start looking for a dentist.

If you have a circle of trusted friends, co-workers or family in the area ask them if they would recommend their dentist. Then ask them why. Many people establish strong relationships with their dentist and have good reasons for continuing their care in that practice. Others may go to a dentist just because the location is convenient. Finding out what they like about their dentist will help you decide if you want to follow up further.
Many dentists in New Hampshire belong to the NH Dental Society. You may want to search for society members using their online dentist locator. Visit their website at
Your physician may be able to recommend a dentist to you. Again, ask your doctor why they are making that recommendation.
If you will soon be moving to our state, ask your current dentist if they know of a good dentist in New Hampshire. Many dentists keep up with dental school classmates over the years or are active in professional societies and they can refer you to someone they know.
Of course, searching online is a good way to add to your search list for dentists. Visiting different dental practice websites can give you a lot of good information that can help expand your list of potential dentists. Our website at is full of educational information that helps patients make informed decisions about their dentist and their treatment options.
Once you have a list of three or four names you can start your evaluation process. You’re not looking for just any dentist in New Hampshire, but the right dentist for you. You’ll want to look at location, availability, education, skills and experience, personality and the dental team of supporting professionals. We’ll talk about that in our next post.