Is Dental Oral Sedation for You?

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If you are anxious or fearful about going to the dentist, now there’s a reason for hope. Imagine that you’re having a stress-free, relaxed experience the next time you visit the dentist! It can all come true with dental oral sedation.

What is Dental Oral Sedation?
Oral sedation is a technique that uses medication you take by mouth to give you a calm, relaxed feeling. The medication can be in a pill form or liquid form, although for adults, pills are more common. You’ll take a pill 60-90 minutes before your appointment so that by the time you and your driver arrive at the dental office you’ll be feeling comfortable and relaxed. During your appointment you won’t be asleep – you will be able to see and hear everything going on – but you will be so relaxed that you just simply won’t care. The effects of the medication last as long as a whole morning or afternoon so you can be sure that you’ll be anxiety-free throughout your entire visit. Those are the benefits of having an oral sedation dentist!

Who Can Benefit from Dental Oral Sedation?
Fear of going to the dentist is not uncommon. For some people it’s remembering a previous bad dental experience or having a fear of needles. Others don’t like the smells or the sounds of the dental office. Some people have a hyperactive gag reflex or have difficulty getting numb – perhaps experiences where they felt not listened to. People who fear being judged or are embarrassed about their mouths also can have dental anxiety. Others who can benefit from oral sedation are people who simply want more dental work done comfortably in fewer appointments.

If you’re looking for oral sedation dentists Nashua NH, contact us to learn more. The dentists and team at NHCCD in Amherst NH are highly trained and skilled in providing dental oral sedation and have been doing so safely since 2007. A sign of our success with helping people who have dental fear and anxiety is that many of our patients decide they no longer need dental sedation for some or all of their appointments.

Our sedation program is highly individualized and always based on your needs and level of comfort. No judgment, no anxiety, no fear. Read more about your sedation options or contact us for a phone consultation or appointment. Your smile with dental oral sedation can be big and bright. Imagine!