Some people don’t let anything hold them back from living the life they want. Like one of our patients, pictured here! Thelma was looking for a Milford NH dentist and found our office right down the street.
It’s not every day that we get to meet people who keep a ‘joie de vie’ and adventuresome spirit throughout their lives. Thelma’s high energy quickly engaged our entire dental team.
When she brought in some photos of herself before we started her dentistry this is one of the shots that caught our attention. She has a great story about how she planned her own skydiving event for her 80th birthday, only telling family members at the last minute. You can see by the joyful expression on her face how much fun she had! What an honor we feel to care for this wonderful lady and allowing us to share her great spirit (and photo)!
If you’re looking for a dentist Milford NH we’ll help you live your life to the fullest with great dentistry. We’re just a hop, skip and a jump away!