Dental Tips for Your Summer Vacation

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Brush up on dental tips before vacationing!

Whether you can usually remember to complete everything on your to-do list prior to a vacation, you may not have even thought about your dental health needs. You’ll want to be prepared without your local dental care available. These tips should help you worry about one less thing, and help you enjoy your trip stress-free!

Dental To-Do List for Vacation
Once you know the date of your vacation, schedule a dental checkup in plenty of time to have the examination and additional work if necessary.

Fill any prescriptions (fluoride toothpaste or rinses, antibiotics, etc) so you have enough to last the whole trip.
Learn about your out-of-area dental insurance coverage. Supplemental dental insurance is available for travelers, usually as part of a medical package, and may be worth purchasing for your peace of mind.
Take our office phone number with you in case you have questions or need information. We can email your digital x-rays to another dental office if they’re needed for comparison.
We’re here if you need emergency dental care in Amherst NH. But if you need to find a dentist while on vacation, call a local or state dental society, or ask a local hospital to recommend a dentist.
If you are traveling internationally and need to be seen by a dentist, ask the hotel concierge to recommend one, or contact the U.S. Embassy or consulate for assistance.

Your Dental Kit – Things to Take Along
Consider packing the following items:

Ibuprofen or other OTC painkiller for toothaches
Topical pain reliever, such as Ambesol, for gum pain or canker sores
Cloves can be used to reduce dental pain temporarily
Gauze or cotton pellets are useful if you break a tooth or cut your mouth
Emergency tooth repair kit with temporary filling material for emergencies
Denture adhesive, such as Fixodent, can temporarily reattach a crown (cap)
Sugar-free chewing gum can help cover misshapen dental wire. Sugar-free gum also helps to keep your breath fresh and remove food particles from your teeth. And if it contains xylitol, you’ll actually be reducing your risk for tooth decay.
Don’t forget the essentials — toothbrush, toothpaste and floss! If you have a power toothbrush and are traveling out of the country, remember the differences in electrical current and take a converter.

Just because you are on vacation, doesn’t mean you can relax your oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth at least twice per day and floss daily. Have a happy and safe trip!