Having bad breath can hinder your self-esteem and confidence. If you suffer from bad breath, which is also called halitosis, there are several things you can do at home to reduce or eliminate it. Brush & Floss To help ward off bad breath, make sure that you brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. If... read more »
Do you feel stressed, nervous, or even anxious leading up to or during dental visits? You are not alone! Many people feel some degree of dental anxiety. Some are so nervous that they even avoid going to the dentist altogether. Here at New Hampshire Center for Comprehensive Dentistry, our dentists and team are happy to work with you to ensure... read more »
When a patient is missing most or all of their permanent teeth, our dentists may recommend dentures in Amherst, New Hampshire. These removable dental restorations can allow you to speak, smile, and eat properly again. What Are Dentures? Dentures are dental restorations that replace all of your missing teeth. A flesh-colored acrylic base sits over the gums. Replacement teeth... read more »
What is a dental filling? A dental filling is a dental restoration that can repair a tooth that has decay. The filling will restore the tooth’s proper shape and function. Our dentists will remove the decayed area of the tooth and then fill the area with the dental filling material. How do I know if I need a dental... read more »
Dental bonding is the process our dentists use to attach materials directly to a tooth to improve the color or shape. The tooth enamel is fused with the bonding material, which may be porcelain or resin, to create a strong restoration that feels like your original tooth. When is dental bonding used? - Decayed teeth (the resin material is... read more »
Malocclusion is defined as crooked teeth or a misaligned bite. Many adults have long wanted to have straighter teeth. They may be hesitant to straighten their teeth because metal braces would mar the beauty of their smile. If this sounds familiar, ask our dentists about how Invisalign® in Amherst, New Hampshire, can help you reach a straight smile. Invisalign is... read more »
What is a dental crown? If one of your teeth is damaged or decayed, our dentists may recommend a dental crown in Amherst, New Hampshire. A dental crown, which is tooth shaped, is placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. When cemented in place, the dental crown will cover and protect the entire visible part... read more »
Having regular dental appointments is important for your oral health. While most people benefit from a checkup at least twice a year, depending on your level of oral health, more frequent checkups may help control or prevent gum or tooth disease. During your appointment, you and your dentist will look at what's healthy and explore for any areas of concern.... read more »
The root canal is the area in the center of a tooth where the pulp is located. The pulp consists of the nerve, blood vessels, and connective tissues of the tooth. If you are experiencing any of the following, you may have a damaged root canal in Amherst, New Hampshire: - Strong discomfort when chewing or putting pressure on the... read more »
If you are missing one or more permanent teeth, one of your options may be a dental bridge to restore your smile. A dental bridge is made up of a replacement tooth or teeth (to fill the space) and a dental crown on either side. The crowns are placed on the teeth on either side of the gap and serve as... read more »