
Medical Emergency Training in a Dental Office

Medical emergencies in a dental office are one of those things that we always want to be well prepared for, and then hope we'll never have to actually use the training. But hope is not a plan of action, so recently we spent time as a team, training to respond to the unexpected medical emergency. Our trainers are Fred and... read more »

Support for Shanna, CDA – Family Displaced by Fire

We just found out that the apartment building that Shanna and her family lived in was involved in the 3-alarm fire last night in Manchester. Apparently the fire was started in another apartment and quickly spread throughout the building. The family of five all got out okay but pretty much everything is lost. They will not have access to their... read more »

NH Top Doctor: Dr. Steven Hattamer – Dental IV Sedation

Before the month is over we definitely have to give a shout-out and congratulations to our own Steven Hattamer, MD, selected as a New Hampshire TOP Doctor in Anesthesiology for 2016. Dr. Hattamer is head of the anesthesiology group Nashua Anesthesia Partners (NAP) and was instrumental in helping to create and continue to maintain our in-office program for dental IV... read more »

No Time to See the Dentist

We know that life gets busy and time can fly by, but if its been a while since you've seen the dentist you may be missing out on an important part of staying healthy. When you chose our office to be your dental health care providers you gave us a responsibility to care for you. Part of that is to... read more »

5 Denture Options To Replace Missing Teeth

As dental professionals we are here to help you to maintain healthy teeth throughout your life. But if tooth loss occurs, you still have options to replace your missing teeth. Different types of dentures serve different purposes. Here are five choices for replacing your teeth after extraction. Immediate full dentures are placed in your mouth right after removing any remaining... read more »

11 Reasons You May Have Bad Breath (And Not Know It)

Bad. Breath. We’ve all noticed it, probably more in others that in ourselves– which can be part of the problem. It can be unpleasant and embarrassing for all involved, but what causes the offensive odor? And what to do about it? There are a number of reasons people develop bad breath, but in most people who are healthy, the usual... read more »

What To Know Before Whitening Your Teeth

Our patients are having great results from our in-office ZOOM teeth whitening system. One smile comfortably whitened over 10 shades! This time of year with family gatherings and parties, showing a great smile is important. If you're thinking of getting a whiter smile with a professional whitening treatment from the dentist, here are a few things you can do to... read more »

Why Do Some People Get More Cavities Than Others?

Do you every wonder why some people get cavities more than others? Are you one of those people? It takes more than brushing, flossing and "fillings" to make your mouth healthy. If fact, we now know that dental caries, the disease that causes cavities, is more complicated than previously thought and has now reached epidemic levels in children and adults.... read more »

Can The Dentist Help You Look Younger?

Looking Younger With Cosmetic Dentistry You know the old adage about an apple a day, but does smiling help keep the years at bay? A study published in the journal Psychology and Aging found that people judged smiling happy faces as being younger than faces showing neutral expressions or negative emotions. Smiling creates natural smile or laugh wrinkles that may... read more »

Make Time for Your Preventive Dental Exams and Cleanings

Preventive care is truly the most important dental service you can give yourself. You benefit from having your teeth examined for signs of new cavities or problems with existing fillings or crowns, removing any build-up of tartar or plaque and checking the health of your gums. Since many oral problems start without notice or pain, you'll be helping yourself to... read more »