If you are anxious or fearful about going to the dentist, now there’s a reason for hope. Imagine that you’re having a stress-free, relaxed experience the next time you visit the dentist! It can all come true with dental oral sedation. What is Dental Oral Sedation? Oral sedation is a technique that uses medication you take by mouth to give... read more »
Wisdom teeth are the last of your back chewing molars, often referred to as “third molars”. Not everyone develops all four wisdom teeth and they don’t come in, or erupt, until your late teens or early twenties. So when to extract wisdom teeth, or should you at all? While it used to be recommended that all wisdom teeth be extracted,... read more »
If you’re missing one or more teeth you most commonly have three options for tooth replacement: dental implants, fixed bridge work and removable partial dentures (RPDs). To varying degrees, all three options will help you function more normally (chewing and talking), prevent your existing teeth from shifting and improve the look of your smile. Depending on your needs and desires,... read more »
About Invisalign Are you one of those people who turns a little shy and self conscious, thinking if you smile naturally or laugh too hard that people are going to be staring at your snaggletooth or gaps between your teeth? You know you want straighter teeth but you just hate the thought of going through braces. Sound familiar? The good... read more »
For many people, it’s not uncommon for trips to the dentist to fall further down the `to do` list than some of their other needs. Putting it off may seem harmless at the beginning – for lack of time, lack of thought, worry about finances or fear of the dentist. Over time however, a vicious cycle is created: you avoid... read more »
Fix Bad Breath From Tooth Decay Are you suffering from bad breath but don’t exactly know what the cause is? If you’ve tried the usual solutions without effect, it’s probably time for you to visit your dentist. There are many causes of unpleasant mouth odors and your dentist can often help you find the source of your problem. Many times... read more »
If you are one of the many people seeking full dental service near Nashua NH, you may want to look for a dental practice that offers more options for your care. Dental practices that have general or family dentists as well as dentists who specialize in gum treatments and surgery, dental implants and root canals can provide you with a... read more »
Signs of Gum Disease Gum disease is similar to high blood pressure and diabetes - often times it's hard to know that you have it. It’s estimated that up to 70% of adults have some form of gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis). Once symptoms become obvious, or the problem is discovered in a routine exam, the disease can be fairly... read more »
Do You Need Root Canal Therapy? Even though you may hear jokes about root canals on late night TV, the pain from an infected tooth is no laughing matter. Pain is a sign of infection or damage to the tooth nerve or surrounding tissue. Bacteria can invade the pulp, which is a soft area containing the nerve, found in the... read more »
If you wear dentures, knowing how to best care for and maintain them is important. Review the following 7 tips for denture care to help you keep them looking, fitting and feeling just right. Before you remove your dentures, consider filling the sink with water so that they will not break if you accidentally drop them. Or place a soft,... read more »