Even though it may seem like a challenge for parents, finding a great dentist for children is important. You'll want your child to have positive experiences at the dental office from the very beginning to set the tone for their lifelong attitude towards dental care. Ideally, it's a place, and people, that your child will enjoy visiting every time. If... read more »
We recently had a patient send us a survey comment questioning why his/her regular tooth cleaning appointment took longer than 30 minutes. "Everyone else I know gets it done in half an hour. I am always there OVER an hour." So - just what do we do in all that time and why do we do it? What is it... read more »
It's difficult not to pine for the bright white picture-perfect smiles we see in everyday advertisements and on our favorite television shows. However, white teeth are not just a privilege for the rich and famous. You can have whiter teeth now as well if you just stick to a few pieces of advice and follow up with your dentist. 5... read more »
About Dental Phobia If you suffer from dental fear, you are not alone. In fact, according to WebMD, as many as 5-8% of the population avoids going the dentist altogether, and up to 20% only go in an emergency due to their dental fear. These are serious statistics. There are 3 categories of "fear factor" under the umbrella term, "Dental... read more »
What You Need to Know About Dental Implants Dental implants are an exciting development in the world of dentistry. Designed to replace missing teeth, implants mimic your natural teeth in terms of shape, function, and aesthetic. In fact, your implant dentist can beautify your smile by improving the overall color, size and shape of your implant teeth. Best of all,... read more »
Even though it may seem like a challenge for some parents, finding a great dentist for children is important. You'll want your child to have positive experiences at the dental office from the very beginning to set the tone for their lifelong attitude towards dental care. Ideally, it's a place, and people, that your child will enjoy visiting every time.... read more »
Is It Time For You to Get New Dentures? If you wear dentures in the twenty-first century, you can be thankful that it isn't 700BC. Back then, if you lost your teeth due to injury, tooth decay, or periodontal disease you were likely to get a new set of dentures made from other human or animal teeth. Even so, modern... read more »
Find Out if You Suffer From Dry Mouth Does your mouth feel dry and sticky when you first wake up in the morning? Do you feel the urge to drink lots of water? If so, you may have a medical condition called Xerostomia, or Dry Mouth. Dry Mouth is a condition in which your salivary glands do not produce enough... read more »
Some people don't let anything hold them back from living the life they want. Like one of our patients, pictured here! Thelma was looking for a Milford NH dentist and found our office right down the street. It's not every day that we get to meet people who keep a 'joie de vie' and adventuresome spirit throughout their lives. Thelma's... read more »
"I want to take care of my children's teeth first..." We hear you say that your children's teeth are important and we agree - they are! But let me share a story about one of our patients. I'll call her Ann. Ann took over the care of her granddaughter when her daughter could not care for the young girl. The... read more »