
Good Oral Health Starts in the Home and Continues With Great Dental Care

Good oral health is essential for a healthy smile. The mouth is home to colonies of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, and when controlled by daily brushing and flossing, your oral health can thrive. Conversely, consuming a high sugar diet that feeds the bad bacteria creates harmful acids that erode your tooth enamel and lead to cavities. It also happens... read more »

To Us, Your Oral Health Isn’t only About Teeth and Gums. These Are Merely Components of the Whole Person!

At New Hampshire Center for Comprehensive Dentistry, we provide comprehensive dental care for our patients to attain a healthy, beautiful smile. As a patient, your dental health impacts your overall health and well-being. A healthy smile allows you to feel more self-confident and comfortable when you smile, so for us, dental care isn't just about isolating treatment for teeth and... read more »

Celebrate Healthy Teeth and Gums With Healthy Foods and Drinks

Upcoming holidays are around the corner, and you’re probably already thinking of all the foodie goodness coming your way. November is Good Nutrition Month, so you might want to consider adding healthy options to your meals to maintain good oral and general health and wellbeing. The goal of our dental practice is to help you keep your teeth healthy, strong... read more »

October is National Dental Hygiene Month: Brushing, Flossing and More!

Happy October, everyone! It’s one of the spookiest seasons of the year, and one of the scariest things we can think of is having problems with our teeth and gums. Since October is National Dental Hygiene Month, we want to promote a healthy mouth for everyone by acknowledging the importance of your daily hygiene efforts. Healthy teeth and gums are... read more »

It’s National Gum Care Month!

September brings the month of National Gum Care, a time to raise awareness for healthy gums everywhere. No matter your age, you should always be striving for great oral care, and this doesn’t just mean your teeth. Your gums are just as important when it comes to maintaining a great smile. As new research develops, we see a rise in... read more »